Mariaflora Monini
The heart of the company
We enter the office of Maria Flora “Pitti” Monini, head of company communications.
Always alongside their brother Zefferino, they have taken up their father’s legacy with great courage and awareness and have ferried Monini into the “modern world”, without ever abandoning the company’s quality mission but elevating it to the highest standards, with competence and heart.
Her decades of experience and love for what she does have led her to make the family business known to the world.
“When you do anything with love and passion, it comes out well and is received.”
Let’s find out more about Monini’s history and values through her fondest memories.
How do you grow up without ever losing the family spirit?
The secret is told to us by Maria Flora Monini, who together with her brother Zefferino is at the helm of the company. But in reality, just looking at her authentic and genuine smile is enough to understand everything.